Here are 4 signs that you deserve a promotion

16 Apr 2018


We’ve all been there. You think you’re doing everything you can possibly do to reach the next step in your career, but progression isn’t happening. Here’s some signs that you are on the right track & deserve that promotion.


1. You are clear about what you want

Being clear about what you want progression wise is so key. Your employers aren’t mind readers, those in line for promotions are open and honest about their career goals, know their worth and put forward their case.


2. You are overachieving

You consistently go the extra mile, frequently taking on extra responsibilities and excelling when you do so. This demonstrates energy and enthusiasm, but also proves you’re capable and can be trusted to manage larger projects. You also actively generate new business opportunities.


3. You are calm and collected

Being cool under pressure automatically puts you in the line for leadership positions where decision making under tight deadlines is key. When a problem arises you are honest and pragmatic and come up with solutions calmly rather than panic or shirk responsibility.


4. You’re indispensable

It would be a big loss to the team if you left. Although this can sometimes mean stunted career progression as employers keep integral employees in a position for fear of having to find a replacement. In this instance communication really is key, and vocalising your career goals will get you to that next step.

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