How to manage stress at work.

12 Aug 2019


Stress! In some capacity stress is unavoidable in the workplace. A little bit of stress can help you stay focused but a lot of stress can be detrimental to your emotional and physical health. Here are our top tips to keeping on top of your stress levels: 


  • Realise when workplace stress is too much: It’s important to recognise the signs, if you are feeling anxious, irritable, fatigued, or have muscle tension or headaches something has to change. These symptoms can be caused by working overtime, being put under pressure to perform or having lack of control at work, and should be addressed as soon as possible. 


  • Focus on your health with exercise and nutrition: Prepare your body and mind by making time for regular exercise, ideally just 30 minutes a day in some capacity, if stress is mounting try to take a breather and go for a walk even for just 10 minutes to gain some perspective. Being careful with your nutrition can boost your mood and productivity, try to stay away from caffeine, nicotine and alcohol and eat more Omega-3 fatty acids such as fatty fish, flaxseed and nuts. 


  • Sleep: Stress can lead to tossing and turning, but sleep deprivation adds to poor mood and prevents clarity of thought. Try and improve your quality of sleep by having a routine ensuring you go to bed and get up at the same time everyday , aiming for 8 hours a night. Turn off all screens one hour before bedtime and avoid any stimulating activity, focus on quiet soothing activities like reading and keep the lights low. 


  • Raise the issue at work: Speak to your HR representative or employer about the stress you are feeling, happy employees are more productive and if it’s an issue affecting others that is detrimental to the business as a whole. More importantly your well-being should be a priority for the company. Clarify what is expected from your job role, and if needed take some time off - burn-out is a real issue in workplaces, so take needed time out to recharge your batteries. 


For expert advice from the recruitment specialists, speak to one of our consultants at or call (01534) 875444 in Jersey and (01481) 736444 in Guernsey.

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